Unit Testing with Detox in React-Native
Unit Testing
In the past year, react-native become a very popular language for cross-platform application development. Unit testing means writing test cases to ensure that the individual component will work as expected. The Jest is the default testing library supported by the react-native. There are a couple of more libraries available for testing are Detox, Appium, and react-native-testing-library.
Why unit testing is required?
When we start thinking about unit testing one question in our mind comes is, Why we need to write the test cases?
So, there are some key benefits to write the unit testing for the application.
- The unit testing helps us to ensure that the individual component is working as expected.
- In the process of development, we have to integrate the new modules to the application and unit testing is helpful to ensure that the code is still working as expected after updating the new changes.
- This helps us to determine the small bugs in the code so it will not become a big failure.
- Help the new teammates to understand the expected results and behavior of the component.
- Reduces the manual QA efforts.
Detox is the testing library with the key advantage of running the test cases on a real device/simulator. The detox interacts with the application just like the real user.Key benefits to choose the Detox are :
- Detox uses the grey box testing method to overcome the issues of flakiness.
- It uses the E2E software technique for testing.
- Detox does not rely on any web drivers.
- Detox synchronizes with your apps to support the network request, heavy logic, and animation.
- Detox is built from the ground up for native to support the react-native application supports.
Environment Setup for Detox:
Install Node
Detox requires node version 10.0.0 or above. If you have an older version of the node you can update it or install the node on your machine.Install Detox Command Line Tool
npm install -g detox-cli
Install Detox To Project
npm install detox --save-devOR
yarn add detox --dev
Supported Libraries for Apple simulators
brew tap wix/brew
brew install applesimutils
Setup Test Runner
Detox supports the most popular Jest and Mocha libraries.
Jest is the recommended test runner for Detox and for the react-native application. Please check the packgage.json file and ensure that the jest is available for the project.
"scripts": {
Jest is the recommended test runner for Detox and for the react-native application. Please check the packgage.json file and ensure that the jest is available for the project.
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
"jest": {
"preset": "react-native"
Installing Jest
yarn add jest jest-circus --dev
npm install jest jest-circus --save-dev
Initialize the detox for the project:
detox init
If everything works fine you will see the below output in the terminal.
Now the e2e directory is auto generated within the project with the sample code. The e2e folder have config , environment and firstTest.e2e.js file.
If you want to learn more about the .detoxrc.json or the configuration file the please visit this link.
Update the .detoxrc.json file
Open the .detoxrc.json file and specify the build path and build script for the device.
Build and Run the test case
To build the apk file. You can run any configuration based on your requirement. In above example I am using the android configuration defined in the .detoxrc file.
To run the test case.
For Android
"apps": {
"android": {
"type": "android.apk",
"binaryPath": "android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk",
"build": "cd android && gradlew assembleDebug"
For iOS
"apps": {
"ios": {
"type": "ios.app",
"binaryPath": "ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/example.app",
"build": "xcodebuild -project ios/example.xcodeproj -scheme example -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build"
} Build and Run the test case
detox build --configuration androidTo build the apk file. You can run any configuration based on your requirement. In above example I am using the android configuration defined in the .detoxrc file.
detox test --configuration android
Configuration for Device
You can also update the .detoxrc as per you requirement, For an example if you want to run the script in device then you have to add a new configuration to it."configurations": {
"android": {
"device": "device_name",
"app": "android"
"devices": {
"device_name": {
"type": "android.attached",
"device": {
"adbName": "0d40239bd216"
That's it!!
That's it!!
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I hope you enjoyed this blog and stay connected for a more new thing. I will learn and keep posting the amazing things here. Thanks!
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