How to use Sample Data in android Recylerview

Dummy Data / Sample Data : 

Many times while developing the application we need to check the UI before it actually renders on the device screen. In android, if you are using recycler-view or list-view, then it is very hard to check the UI.

Sample data is a set of model data to help the developer to see the design without a run the code into the device and also does not require any code to see the output. You can verify the result you see is only visible in the design section and not visible into the device. 

The main advantage is that it reflects instantly in the preview section so that you don’t want to run the build to check the result which saves a lot of development time.

 Add the below tag into your XML file.

           <LinearLayout  xmlns:tools="">

                    tools:listitem="@layout/row_main" />

> tools:listitem - attribute allows you to pass any layout file into the recycler-view to see the result.

        <LinearLayout xmlns:android="">

            tools:src="@tools:sample/avatars" />

             android:text="Hello World!"
              tools:text="@tools:sample/full_names" />



You can only see the result in your android studio layout file. The design is not visible when you run the application in the device, to see the result in the device you have to set the adapter to RecyclerView and provide the actual data. 

